Key management software
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Paperless with a signature capture pad

Our desktop software "Key Organizer" (key control for phy­sical keys) gene­rates hand­over receipts as PDF docu­ments.

Instead of printing out the receipts and having them signed on paper in the conven­tional way, there is now the addi­tional option of embed­ding signa­tures digi­tally in the saved PDFs. This elimi­nates the need for paper receipts.

Multiple manufacturers of signature pads: Our program can call the PDF signing soft­ware of the follow­ing manu­facturers: Topaz Systems (USA), StepOver® (Europe only), signotec® and Wacom®.

The Topaz pDoc Signer software for Windows is avail­able free of charge. If you already have a signa­ture pad from Topaz, you can try it with the demo version of our "Key Orga­nizer".

Use in the Key Organizer: If you have activated the "Signa­ture pad" option when creating a key receipt (indi­vidual receipt or over­view), the Key Orga­nizer starts the signing soft­ware that it finds on your com­puter. It may take a moment to start the first time.

In the Topaz software you have to draw a signa­ture field manually. After signing, you should save the signed PDF under the same name as speci­fied by the KeyOrga­nizer. Close the signing soft­ware and then click on "Keep PDF" in Key Orga­nizer.

You can retrieve the retained PDF later in the Key Orga­nizer: right-click on the list of key hand­overs and then "Show receipt".

General information: Signature pads differ from graphics tablets or cell phone displays in that the special pads also record the pressure force and time history during the signing process. This addi­tional informa­tion is trans­ferred to the PDF in en­crypted form and pro­vided with a certi­ficate. This makes it a valid electro­nic sig­na­ture and not just a pixel image.
In the United States, electro­nic sig­na­tures are covered under the Uni­form Electro­nic Trans­actions Act (UETA) and Electro­nic Signa­tures in Global and National Com­merce (ESIGN) law.
Signature capture hardware
Signature capture pad,   photo © Topaz Systems