Key management software
© 2024, Aidex GmbH

Update to version 2024

If you have already installed a version from 2021 to 2023, you can simply download the latest version and install it over the exist­ing pro­gram. Your entries will be retained.

Attention, existing customers: Starting with pro­gram version 2021, a license code is required for the first time. Therefore, do not install the version avail­able on our down­load page over the pro­gram you have pur­chased, before you have re­ceived a license code from us.

Update discount: A free 2024 program update will be given to all cus­tomers from the 2020 pur­chase date. Customers from 2018 and 2019 will get 75% discount on new price, customers from 2016 and 2017 will get 50% discount. If you are inter­ested, please send us a short email.

Update installation: Once you have received the license code, you can simply install the current pro­gram ver­sion from our download page over an old ver­sion. Your existing input data will be preserved! The install func­tion can be found after start­ing the down­loaded file in the main menu: File > Install Pro­gram.  (General instal­lation instruc­tions)

Print templates in Word: Last year the possibility to use Word docu­ments as templates had to be dropped. This possibility exists again since version 2022-08! The require­ment is that the users of Key Organizer have Micro­soft Word installed on their PC (it does not work with OpenOffice etc.). If MS Word is not installed, templates in HTML remain as an alter­native (included as standard in the program).

Backup outsourced: The previously integrated backup func­tion is no longer avail­able! Please make sure that the data folder of the Key Orga­nizer is included in a backup run e.g. of your server!

New functions

Basket for multiple key return
For issuing several keys to one person, the previous window "Memo­rised data records" has been extend­ed, now with quantity, identi­fier and remark per line. The transfer now takes place directly in the window.
Also the return of multiple keys (see instruc­tions) is now possible via the basket, since ver­sion 2023.

Passing on keys
Since version 2024-02, it has been easier to pass on multiple keys between people, see instruc­tions: Key transfer from person to person.

Linking entries with files
You can link key issues to files (see instruc­tions) as well as link each master data entry with files, e.g. with scanned docu­ments.

"IDs" window for key copy numbers
In the additional window, you can enter sequential numbers for a key and get an overview of which identifier has already been issued to whom.

Total list "Keys and Persons"
A list of all key issues, e.g. by depart­ment, sorted from the view of persons or keys.  (see main menu: Extra windows)

Data protection: "Destroy entry permanently" (persons)
You need this function to comply with data protec­tion regula­tions for employees who have left the company.

PDF: Handover receipts are now generated as PDF docu­ments. This does not require a virtual printer. The old printer selec­tion is no longer neces­sary. The generated PDF is display­ed immediately, and it is also saved as a file. KeyOrganizer remem­bers the PDF for each trans­action, so that it can be retrieved later from the owner list and logging.

Electronic signature: The new PDF generation of the Key Organ­izer now results in the possibi­lity to sign the receipts elec­troni­cally, e.g. using Adobe Sign. Key Organizer then saves the signed PDFs. However, signing is not a func­tion of Key Orga­nizer, but must be avail­able in the PDF viewer you use.