Key management software
© 2024, Aidex GmbH

Placeholders in print templates

In Microsoft Word files ( .docx / .rtf ) the #Placeholders# can be inserted from the left table columns. In HTML source texts the place­holder tags are inserted from the right column.

in MS WordMeaningin HTML
#Today#Today's date (print date)<!>
#Date#Transfer date<!>
#User#Program operator who has recorded the transfer<!handover.user/>
#SeqNumber#Document number<!doc.documentnumber/>
Insert a logo<!image … />
#Subscriber#Name of the licensee / company<!doc.licensee/>

The #Person# placeholder refers to the key recipient who received or returned a key.

#Person#Key receiver name<!>
#PersonNumber#"No." field<!person.number/>
#PersonBuilding#Building assignment<!>
#PersonAddress#Address line<!person.address/>
#PersonPhone#Telephone number<!>
#PersonEmail#E-mail address<!>
#PersonNotes#Notes text field<!person.remark/>

The following placeholders can be used only on a single-piece receipt, wherein it is about a single, specific transfer:

#KeyCount#Number of copies handed over<!handover.quantity/>
#Deadline#Return deadline<!handover.returndeadline/>
#Notes2#Handover remarks<!handover.remark/>
#User#Program operator who recorded the transfer<!handover.user/>

The following placeholders refer to the transferred object, here usually a key. These placeholders are only available on single receipts, where different keys are not listed in a table, but only a single, specific key, whose properties are represented by means of the following placeholders.

in MS WordMeaningin HTML
#Key#Designation of the issued or withdrawn key<!>
Identifier / copy number, consecutive number<!item.copyid/>
#System#Locking system<!item.keysystem/>
#LockNumber#Locking number<!item.lockid/>
#KeyType#CK, SMK, MK, GMK, GGMK<!item.level/>
#Door#A door or room that can be locked by the key<!item.door/>
#Building#Building of the above door<!>
#Area#"Area" field<!item.area/>
#Notes1#Notes on the key<!item.remark/>
Key cabinet and hook no.<!item.depot/>