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  Software for key management © Aidex GmbH, 2024  
You can search through these instructions using Ctrl+F (F3 = con­tinue search­ing). Use Ctrl+P to print or save as PDF.

Information for IT administrators, e.g. regarding instal­lation in a net­work and use of a shared data folder, can be found in a separate PDF: Installation­Tips.pdf.

Operating instructions for Key Organizer version 2024

First steps
Tabs with input masks
More index cards
Handing over the keys
IT-administrative topics
Tabs: Doors, Keys, Employees, etc.
After logging in, a series of tabs are displayed, e.g. for buildings, doors, keys and employees. The master data is entered and listed on these tabs.

The master data is entered on its respec­tive tab. For example, if you want to enter a key, click on the Keys tab.
Search, filter, lists
The structure of these index cards is similar. A list of existing entries is displayed on the left-hand side, e.g. a list of all keys. There is a search field above the list to search for names in the list. There are also filter options for the list, e.g. by key system (locking system) or building.

Master data: New, Edit, Delete
Input mask: The properties of a selected entry can be found on the right-hand side of a tab, e.g. always an input field for the name, as well as further input fields for other details.

The input mask is controlled using the buttons above it: "New" to create a new entry, "Edit" to change a selected entry, "Delete", etc. These basic buttons are the same for all input screens.
New entry: only designation mandatory
To create a new entry, click on the New button. The input fields are then colored yellow, which indi­cates the edit mode.

You only need to enter a name to be able to save the entry, i.e. it is sufficient to enter a name in the top input field.
The other fields can remain empty, but there are recommen­da­tions: When enter­ing a door you should select a building, when enter­ing a key you should select a key system. See below: The index cards in detail.

To save the entry, click the Save button at the top, other­wise click Cancel. All input fields then turn white and cannot be edit­ed again until you click the Edit button.
Testing and practicing in the "sandbox"
The best way to see how the program works is to play around with a few test entries and click around in the program a little. To prevent your test entries from ending up perma­nently in the real journal, you should first switch to Sandbox mode.

To do this, click on in the main menu: File > Sandbox.

To exit sandbox mode, click on in the main menu: File > Logout, or click again on: File > Sandbox.
The index cards in detail
From left to right: If you are filling in the program manually, it is best to proceed from left to right, i.e. first select the "Building" tab and enter your buildings there. Then enter the doors on the next tab, then the keys, then the persons and finally the key transfers to persons.

Lockingsystems: If you have several locking systems, you can enter the names of the locking systems in advance. You can find this in the main menu: Edit > Locking systems.

Login/user: If you want to assign a password to the program, click on the main menu: Edit > User: Edit > Users. The user tab then appears, where you can create users and (initial) pass­words. Each user can change their own pass­word later.
The "Buildings" index card
Buildings are mainly recorded by name only, i.e. it is sufficient to enter any name for each building.

The purpose of entering buildings is to be able to select the building in which the respec­tive door is located later when enter­ing doors.

You can interpret the building term as you wish. It could also be a company loca­tion or just a compo­nent of a large building. You can indicate the latter by select­ing a higher-level entry in the "is part of" field.

You do not need to fill in the "Key System" field. If you select a locking system here, this is for your infor­ma­tion only and has no further effect on the program.
The "Doors" index card
Doors can be recorded so that keys can be assigned to doors (access authori­zations). If you only want to manage keys, you could dispense with doors altogether.

You must enter a name to record a door. If you have door numbers or room numbers, we recom­mend using a designa­tion such as "101 storage room" in the first field in the program. This means that all numbers are listed one below the other in a sorted order and the descrip­tive designa­tion appears after them.

In the "Building" field, select an entry that you have previ­ously entered on the "Building" tab.

You only need to enter the Floor (storey) if the infor­ma­tion is of interest to you or if you want to store a floor plan for this floor.

Floor plan: You can enter a floor plan for each building and floor. To do this, you must have selected a building for the door and entered some­thing in the Floor field.

Locking cylinders: If you want to enter locks (cylinders), you can do this directly here on the doors tab or separa­tely on the Cylinders tab. You can call this up via the "View" main menu.
In this case, you must fill in the "Key System" field, as a cylinder always belongs to a specific key/locking system. Please ignore the "Cylinder pos." field. In the "Cylinder" field, you should enter the cylinder number (locking number if appli­cable) and its length, e.g. "120 30/35". The "Lock No." and "Length" fields are merely a separate repeti­tion (if different from the designa­tion) and can be left blank.

If you do not want to record cylinders, the keys must be assigned directly to a door as locking, whereas with cylinders the keys are assigned to the cylinders as locking (as it happens mechani­cally in reality).
The program automatically determines whether a key matches a door based on the infor­ma­tion about which cylinders have been fitted in which doors. The locking func­tions are recorded on the Keys tab, see Linking keys to doors or locks.
The "Keys" index card
The number of a key is usually entered in the "Key" field, rarely a descrip­tive name. We do not recom­mend entering the names of people (key recipi­ents) or doors here, as this can change over time, whereas the key number always remains the same.

The "Area" field is only intended as additio­nal infor­ma­tion for you, e.g. if you want to make a note of the area (depart­ment/building section) in which a group key (master key) is used.

The "Key System" field is important, as most company keys belong to a key system (locking system). For other keys, e.g. furniture keys, you can create a pseudo-locking system, e.g. "Other" or "Lockers" or similar, to have a catego­ri­zation and filter option. See in the main menu: Edit > Master Key Systems.

The "Lock No." field usually corresponds to the key designa­tion and can be left blank.
You can select the hierarchy of the key in the "Type" field. This only affects the sorting of the key list: "CK" (individual keys) are at the end of the list, all other key types are group/master keys and are sorted as important keys at the begin­ning of the list.

In the Quantity line, you can enter the total quan­tity of the rele­vant key that you have received in total through delive­ries and repeat orders. The program subtracts defective and issued keys from this total quan­tity and calcu­lates the avail­able quan­tity that can still be issued to other people. The avail­able quan­tity is updated as soon as you click on Save.

"Cabinet" refers to a key cabinet (deposit box, safe) where keys are stored. If you have several key cabinets, you can select one and enter the hook number to which the key is attached. To create cabinets, go to the Cabinets tab via the main menu "View".
Linking keys to doors or cylinders
If you have not entered any locking cylinders, the keys are linked directly to doors. Otherwise, links should be made to cylinders. The program then auto­mati­cally deter­mines the indirect link between keys and doors. Linking a key to cylinders AND doors in parallel has no advan­tages, but rather disadvan­tages.

You will see small tabs at the bottom left of the key index card: Doors, Lock groups, Cylinders. To link the selected key to one or more locking cylinders, click the "Edit" button at the top and select the small Cylinders tab at the bottom. There, click the "Link with cylinders" button. All cylinders that belong to the same key system as the current key are then displayed. Tick the cylinders that can be locked by the key. Finally, click on the Save button at the top. If you switch to the small Doors tab at the bottom after saving, you can see in which doors the linked cylinders are current­ly installed.

The same principle applies to links with doors: Click on the "Edit" button at the top and click on the "Link with doors" button at the bottom. After ticking the appro­priate doors, click on Save at the top.

Linking via locking groups takes place when import­ing a locking plan and is not usually done manually, and is there­fore not described here.
The "Employees" index card
(persons, key recipients)
All persons who receive a key are managed on this index card. In companies, these are usually the company's own employees. In property manage­ment companies, on the other hand, it is usually tenants who receive keys. You can there­fore adjust the title of the tab in the settings.

In the "Name" field, we recommend enter­ing "surname, first name" so that the list of persons is sorted alphabe­ti­cally by sur­name. The name may only appear once in the program so that the name is unique. In the event of a dupli­cate occur­rence, a distin­guishing suffix must be added to the name.

You can enter a new department in the "Department" field or select a previ­ously used entry. There is a depart­ment filter on the left above the list of persons so that you can view the employees in a specific depart­ment.

A personnel number is usually entered in the "No." field. However, it can also be a diffe­rent number or name.

The "Company" field is intended for external employees from exter­nal compa­nies. There is a company filter above the list of persons.

You can use the "Building" and "Room" fields to localize the workplace (purely for infor­ma­tion purpo­ses). The fields have no influence on the program, i.e. this infor­ma­tion has no effect on access autho­ri­zations or keys that have been trans­ferred.
The "Address", "Phone" and "E-mail" fields are also purely infor­ma­tive and are not evaluated by the program.

The "Quitting" (leaving) and "Control" fields are date fields. The "Quitting" field is evaluated by the Key Orga­nizer, namely on the Deadlines tab: keys of persons who have left the company are also listed there.

You can also link the person entry to a file and insert an employee portrait (click on the profile picture icon).

All keys currently held by the person are listed in the lower section of the window under "Has the follow­ing keys". If you right-click on this list, a pop-up menu appears, e.g. to confi­gure the view or to call up receipts.
Previous keys that the person previ­ously held can be called up using the "Log" button.
Journal index card
All key handovers and quantity changes are contin­u­ously logged, e.g. for revi­sions. The history can be called up on the Journal tab.

The easiest way to call up the journal is to select an entry on the Keys or Employees tab and click on the "Journal" button above the input mask. The program then jumps to the Journal tab and shows the history for the selected entry.

At the bottom of the window you will find buttons for export­ing as an Excel spread­sheet or for saving as a PDF file.
Deadlines index card
Issued keys that are due for return are listed on the Dead­lines index card. The basis for this is that a date was entered in the "Expiry" field when the key was issued.
Alternatively, a completed "Quitting" field can also lead to a due date for a person, even if no return dead­line was entered when the key was issued.
Users index card
Users are those persons who are autho­rized to use the pro­gram. As long as no user accounts have been created in the pro­gram, you can access the pro­gram without a pass­word.

The Users tab can be accessed via the main menu: Edit > Users. You may only make entries or changes here if you are autho­rized to do so. However, every logged-in user may change their own pass­word. It is there­fore pos­sible for an admin to first enter an initial pass­word.

A newly created user initially has all authori­za­tions. After creat­ing a new user, you should configure the rights of the user account using the "Authori­za­tions" button.

The requirements for secure passwords, e.g. minimum length and special charac­ters, can be defined in the settings.
If a user has forgotten their password, another user who has the right to change user rights can set a new password.
If no password is known, contact the software manu­fac­turer Aidex by e-mail to have a special login code generated.

If you are a user and also a key recipi­ent, you must create your­self twice in the program: as a user and as an employee.
Issuing a single key via "Handing over" tab
This section deals with the handover of a single key. If you want to issue several different keys to a person, see the next section: Issuing several keys via basket.

Select the key to be issued on the Keys tab. Select the recipi­ent of the key on the Employees index card. The order does not matter, you can also select the recipi­ent first and then the key.

On the Keys and Employees index card, you will find an "Issue key" button at the top right which takes you to the "Handing over" tab, where the "Key" and "New holder" fields are now pre-filled.

You can enter a sequential number in the "Identification" field, e.g. if you have several copies of the key, which are numbered consec­u­tively. This could also be the serial number of a trans­ponder or chip card, for example.

The "Date" field refers to the handover date and must be filled in. This date cannot be changed at a later date!
The "Expiry" field can be filled in if neces­sary if the key must be returned by a certain date. You can then list which keys are due or will be due on the Dead­lines tab. The dead­line can be sub­se­quently changed in the list of issued keys by right-click­ing: "Edit details".

In the "Notes" field, you can note the reason for the hand­over, for example.
In the "Quantity" field, you can enter a different quan­tity if you are issuing several copies without an iden­tifier.

You can choose whether you want to print a "Receipt", which means a receipt for a single key, or whether you want to print an "Overview", which lists all keys that the recipi­ent currently has. The over­view has the advan­tage that it can replace all pre­vious receipts with one signa­ture.

Once you have clicked the Apply button, the key appears on the Employees card, and the recipi­ent appears in the holder list on the Keys index card.
Return of a single key
The keys currently issued are displayed both on the Employees index card and on the Keys card: for employees under "Has the following keys" and for keys in the holder list.
If you select an issued key, the "Return" button at the bottom becomes active, which takes you to the "Handing over" tab, where you can enter a return date and notes.

If you select the "Receipt" option, a return receipt is only generated for this indi­vidual key. If you select the "Overview" option, a list of the remain­ing keys is out­put instead, but this is not ideal for this case as it does not expli­citly show the return.
Issuing several keys via basket
"M" for Memorize: Using the key combination Ctrl+M, you can add the currently selected key to a watch list. Since version 2023, the watch list is also referred to as a basket because the remem­bered keys can be issued to a person and can also be taken back by them.
The previous method of indi­vidual hand­over via the "Hand­ing over" tab still exists in parallel.

Issue several keys: First add the keys to be issued indi­vi­dually to the basket (select each one and press Ctrl+M).

You can edit individual table cells in the basket by double-click­ing, e.g. to change the respec­tive quan­tity or to add an iden­ti­fi­cation (per line).

Then click on "Issue to a person" in the basket window. You can then select the key recipi­ent and enter a trans­fer date.
Multiple returns via basket
Take back several keys: Select a person on the Employees tab. If you want to revoke all keys, right-click in their key list and select: "Add all keys to the basket (Return)".

If you want to select one or more entries instead, click on an issued key and press Ctrl+M.

If necessary, you can change the quanti­ties in the basket (double-click in the table cell). Then click on the "Return" button in the basket and enter the return date.

For multiple returns there is (since 2023) a print tem­plate "Return over­view", see in the main menu: Edit > Edit print tem­plates.
Key transfer from person to person
The program does not have a real pass-on function from person to per­son, but since ver­sion 2024-02 it has been possible to return the keys taken back from one per­son to another per­son in a second step.


As it is a return and reissue, it is not recog­niz­able in the journal that it was a pass-on. If this is to be noted, you would have to enter it in the comment fields for the return and issue.
Lost keys
You can sign out a lost key as long as this key is still issued to a person in the program. The idea behind this is that a key is usually lost out­side the key cabinet, i.e. after it has been issued to a person.

Select an issued key on the Keys or Employees index card. Then click on the "Lost" button below, which takes you to the "Handing over" tab, where you can enter a loss date and notes.

This will remove the key from the person's record, but it will remain on the Keys tab as "lost" in the holder list so that you can see how the origi­nal total quan­tity has been reduced.

If a lost key has been found again, you can right-click on the "lost" line in the "Found" pop-up menu.

A list of all lost keys can be found via the main menu: Extra windows > Inventory list. Click there: Show "lost keys".
An alternative is in the main menu: Extra windows > Keys and persons. The "Action" column there shows either defec­tive or lost. The list can be export­ed, see buttons below.
Defective key
You can sign out a defective key while it is not issued to a person. The idea behind this is that a defec­tive key is likely to be returned and then first returned regu­larly in the program - before the defec­tive booking takes place as an addi­tional step.

Select a key on the Keys tab. Then go to the "Hand­ing over" tab. Click on the "Defect" button there. You can enter an identi­fi­cation, a date and notes.

The defective key remains on the Keys tab as "defective" in the holder list so that you can see why the origi­nal total quan­tity was reduced.

If a key has been sorted out by mistake, you can right-click on the "defect" line, then "Undo defect" in the pop-up menu.

Due to the previous withdrawal of the key, a replace­ment key will probably have to be issued. Please do this as a new key issue.

A list of all defective keys can be found via the main menu: Extra windows > Inventory list. Click there: Show "defec­tive keys".
An alternative is in the main menu: Extra windows > Keys and persons. The "Action" column there shows either defec­tive or lost. The list can be export­ed, see buttons below.
Extended search (Ctrl+F)
With the search field above the lists, you can only search for text that is contained in the list. If you want to search for other field contents, you can do this with the advanced search, which you can call up with Ctrl+F, or via the main menu: Edit > Extended search.
Putting together a bunch of keys
It is possible to compile key bundles in the program, which can then be issued to a person at a time. One disadvan­tage at present is that only the bundle is named on a handover proto­col, but the indi­vidual keys it contains are not listed.

To create a bunch, go to the Keys index card and click on Edit > "New bunch of keys" in the main menu. You must then enter a name for the bunch and save it.

The next step is to add keys to the bunch. To do this, add indi­vi­dual keys to the basket using Ctrl+M as described in the pre­vious section. Then click on "Put keys on a bunch" in the basket.

You will find the key ring on the Keys index card in the normal key list, where all indi­vidual keys are also listed. You can select the bunch and issue it to a person in the same way as an indi­vidual key.
Link entries with files
Some customers who do not use a signa­ture pad have asked to be able to store scanned receipts in the program and link them to people or key hand­overs. This func­tion has been avail­able since 2022.

The files can either remain in their place on the hard drive or be trans­ferred (moved) from the Key Orga­nizer to its data folder. You should prefer the latter if the file does not need to remain in place for other uses.
If a file remains in its origi­nal location, you must en­sure that the file remains there perma­nently and is not renamed. The path must also be valid for other users. Otherwise the Key Orga­nizer will not be able to find the file again.

Linking with key transfers
To link a file to an issued key, go to the Employees tab and select a person. The issued keys are listed at the bottom left. You can right-click on a key entry and select "Link to file" from the pop-up menu. A file selec­tion dialog box will then appear.

Link to master data
You can also link a file to any master data record, e.g. to a door, a building, a key without a personal refer­ence or a person without a key refer­ence. To do this, first select an entry on any tab and then click on Edit at the top of the main menu and then on "Link to file".

Show linked files
In the menu where you have found the link func­tion, there is also a menu item "Show linked files". In the window that lists the files, you can double-click on a file name to call up the file. With the right mouse button you will find further func­tions, e.g. to delete the entry.

Transferring a file to the data folder
To copy or move a linked file from its origi­nal storage loca­tion to the pro­gram's data folder, right-click in the file list (see above) and select the "Copy file to data folder" func­tion in the pop-up menu.
Import inventory figures from Excel
If you are planning a key inventory, you can first export a key list from the Key Orga­nizer as an Excel file by click­ing on in the main menu: File > Export > "Export inven­tory tem­plate".

The table contains an empty column in which you can enter the current stock that was counted for each key type during the inven­tory. This number column does not need to be filled in completely, i.e. a partial inven­tory is also possible.

Once you have added the count to the Excel spread­sheet, it can be imported back into the Key Orga­nizer by click­ing in the main menu: File > Import > "Import inven­tory stock numbers".

When importing, only the table rows in which a quantity has been entered are taken into account. A quan­tity change is then recorded for each key in its log (Journal).
Using the signature pad
The signing of PDF files (handover docu­ments) has been supported since program version 2021.
General information can be found on our signature pad page.

Usage: If you have activated the "Signa­ture pad" option in the Key Orga­nizer when creat­ing a receipt or over­view, the Key Orga­nizer starts the pad manu­fac­turer's PDF soft­ware. This may take a short moment.

In the Topaz software (↗pDoc Signer) you have to draw a signa­ture field manually. After sign­ing, you should save the signed PDF under the same name as speci­fied by the Key Orga­nizer. Close the sign­ing soft­ware and then click on "Keep PDF" in Key Orga­nizer so that the signed PDF is trans­ferred to the pro­gram's database.

You can retrieve the transferred PDF again later if required: right-click on the list of key holders and select "Show receipt" from the pop-up menu.
Customize print templates in Word
Print templates can be created for printing transfer docu­ments. It is possible to use Word docu­ments as print tem­plates. In contrast to the standard HTML tem­plates, it is easier to adapt Word docu­ments to your own require­ments.

The prerequisite for this is that the origi­nal Microsoft Word (Micro­soft Office package) is installed for the users of the Key Orga­nizer. It does not yet work with OpenOffice and others.

If no MS Word is installed, templates in HTML remain as an alter­native (included in the pro­gram as standard). See also: Placeholders.

The HTML templates are activated by default because they work even if no Word is installed. If you have MS Word installed, we recom­mend switch­ing to Word templates.

To do this, click on Edit > "Edit print templates" in the main menu. Behind each button you will find a selection "Use Word docu­ment as tem­plate". You can save the respec­tive standard tem­plate of the pro­gram in order to be able to edit it indi­vi­dually. You can then select the edited file again in the same window.
Data import
We would like to save you the effort of entering your data manually (or at least reduce it) and have therefore equipped our program with various import func­tions, espe­cially for Excel lists, see main menu: File > Import.

On the Key Organizer download page you will find two sample tables: a transfer list and a locking plan.

A locking plan contains information on doors, locks and keys (cross table with a lock­ing matrix). You can obtain the locking plan for a recent locking system from the system manu­fac­turer. Please ask for an Excel file. Please adjust the columns of your table before­hand as in the sample locking plan from our down­load page. Then use the "Import locking plan from Excel" func­tion in the Key Orga­nizer.

To import a key handover list, see the next paragraph.
Read in key handover list
Many customers have already maintained their own key hand­over list as an Excel spread­sheet before they purchased the Key Orga­nizer. A suitable spread­sheet can be imported into the program using an import func­tion via the main menu: File > Import > Import Key Issuances.

KeyCopy no.Locking systemQty.RecipientDepartmentNo.issued onReturnedRemark
1015System11Smith, MariaAdministration104411/02/2019
1028System11Smith, MariaAdministration104504/02/2020
GS13System11Johnson, PaulAdministration104607/05/202101/02/2022

The table may only contain one key and one person per line. If a person has received several keys or a key has been issued to several people, a sepa­rate line must be created for each.

The columns "Key", "Recipient" (person) and "Issued" (issue date) are mandatory! If you do not know the issue date, you must enter a ficti­tious date, e.g. 01.01.2020 (this has a recogni­tion value as a ficti­tious date).

⇒ The table must be sorted in ascending order according to the issue date!

The "Copy number" column can be omitted if you do not use conse­cutive numbers for your keys.
The "Locking system" column can be omitted if all keys belong to the same lock­ing system. You must then select the lock­ing system in the import window instead.
The "Number" column can be omitted if exactly 1 key has always been trans­ferred per line.
The columns "Department" and "No." (personnel number or similar) are optional and can be used if new persons are created in the program through this import and the addi­tional infor­ma­tion should simply be import­ed in this step.

If a named key or person has not yet been entered in the program, a new entry is created by the import. However, if there is already an entry with the same name in the program, the trans­fer is applied to this exist­ing entry. It is impor­tant to note that the spelling of the name in the program and in the table must be identi­cal, as a missing hyphen or similar is enough for the import to create a new entry instead, which may result in unwanted dupli­cate entries.

Test in advance: Only import the transfer table once, other­wise the trans­fers will be exe­cuted repeat­edly (several times). The import cannot be undone. As a pre­caution, you should there­fore try out the import first by switch­ing to sandbox mode.

Load your table into the import window. You must manual­ly select the columns you want to use. Also select the date format displayed and the target locking system.
Where is the input data stored?

You can see the actual storage location in the program under: Info > Info & Contact, see "Path to data folder".
In older program versions under: Edit > Settings > Files.

The input data is saved on a file basis on your hard drive or a folder in your net­work. By default, the Key Organizer (from version 2021) tries to save its data files in the user's APPDATA folder (Windows default). In older program versions: in the "Data" sub­folder in the Key­Orga­nizer program folder.

Alternatively, you can read the storage location in the KeyOrganizer.ini confi­gu­ration file, in the variable "DataPath". If there is no such entry, the sub­folder "Data" or a folder in the APPDATA direc­tory is meant by default.

If you want to save, copy or move the data, always use the entire Data folder because all the files and sub­folders in it are required.

Avoid duplicate data folders (except for the data backup), as multiple data sets cannot be syn­chro­nized sub­se­quently. If several users use the system, you must en­sure that all users access the same central data folder.

If you have no information about the storage loca­tion, you can search your drives for the file "Data.ada". Ignore any files found that are only 1 kb in size, as these files are probably empty. As a rule, the largest file found is the correct one. Then take the entire folder.
Set data folder
If you want to use the program on several com­puters, you must define a central, shared folder in which the data files are stored and to which all users of the program have access.

If you want to move with existing data, first check where the data has been stored so far, see "Where is the input data stored?" above.

Create a new, empty folder on the server, e.g. "KeyOrga­nizer Data".

Create a text file called "KeyOrganizer.ini" where the Key­Organizer.exe program file is located. Enter the path to the new data folder in the file in the form:

DataPath=Data\  (as a relative path for direct sub­folders, relative to the .ini file)

To move existing data files to the new folder, copy all files from the folder, includ­ing sub­folders.

Write permissions: The users of the program require write permis­sions for the new data folder. The permis­sions are generally not copied, so they must be reset on the new computer. In addition to simple write access, rights for deletion (for temporary files) are also required, includ­ing in sub­folders. We there­fore recom­mend setting full access, includ­ing inheri­tance of rights to sub­folders.

Make sure that the old data folder is no longer used (it is best to move the files) so that it is not inadver­tently reused, resulting in different data sets that cannot be synchro­nized.

Check whether a regular data backup has been set up for the data folder.
Set up data backup
As described in the previous paragraph: The input data is stored on a file basis on your hard disk or a folder in your network.

Please note that in the event of a failure, your data cannot be restored from an exter­nal "cloud" or similar. Your IT depart­ment must take care of the data backup itself.

Please make sure that the data folder of the Key Orga­nizer (see above) has been included in a regular data backup, e.g. by your server.
Move to another computer
If you are changing PCs and the Key Organizer is installed locally, you can simply copy the existing Key­Organizer program folder completely to the new com­puter. Create a shortcut icon for the users on the Start.exe or alterna­tively on the KeyOrganizer.exe.

First check where the data is stored on the old PC, see "Where is the input data stored?" above.

If the data files are located in the "Data" sub­folder of the program folder (for older program versions up to 2019), the data folder is already copied when you copy the program folder. Then see below under: Write permis­sions.

If the data files are on the old PC, the entire data folder must be copied to the new com­puter - or pre­ferably to a server. Then enter the new data path in the KeyOrganizer.ini confi­gu­ration file on the new computer: DataPath=...

Write permissions: The users of the program require write permis­sions for the new data folder. The permis­sions are generally not copied, so they must be reset on the new computer. In addition to simple write access, rights for deletion (for tempo­rary files) are also required, includ­ing in sub­folders. We there­fore recom­mend setting full access, includ­ing inheri­tance of rights to sub­folders.

Make sure that the old data folder on the old PC is no longer used (prefer­ably move or rename it) so that it is not acciden­tally reused, resulting in differ­ent data sets that cannot be synchro­nized.

Check whether a regular data backup has been set up for the data folder.
Error message "Cannot rename file"
This error message can have two causes:
1) The user may not have the necessary Windows user rights to rename a file in the displayed folder. We there­fore recom­mend giving all users full access to the Data folder of Key Orga­nizer, includ­ing inheri­tance to sub­folders.
2) ↗Shadow copies are acti­vated for the data folder.

If the problem cannot be solved by extending the user rights or if shadow copies are acti­vated, you can change the storage method of Key Orga­nizer to avoid this problem. To do this, click on the main menu in the program: Edit > Settings > Other, and activate "Saving without .bak file".

As a .bak file is no longer created, it is all the more impor­tant that you have set up a data backup for the data folder.

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