Key management software
© 2024, Aidex GmbH

Short support free of charge

Regardless of whether you have already pur­chased the pro­gram or are still trying out the demo ver­sion, you are wel­come to send us any ques­tions you may have by e-mail. See the Contact page.

The best way to test the program ...

You can download the program from the download page to your PC without registra­tion and start it without installa­tion.
Make a few test entries as described on the follow­ing pages: First steps and instruc­tions.

To import your existing Excel tables, see the next section. Please contact us for assis­tance with this.

Carry out a few key handovers, i.e. handing out and taking back keys (see instruc­tions). You should then be able to assess whether the pro­gram meets your expec­ta­tions. If you have any spe­cific ques­tions or require­ments, please send us a short e-mail.

... and how to order it.

In our price list, you can see the scale offered accord­ing to the number of keys and persons (key recipients). Try to estimate which pro­gram variant would be suffi­cient for you. Later exten­sions are possible!

If you click on the "Quote / Order" button in the price list, you will be taken to the MyCommerce online store. There you will see the prices and sales tax for your country. If required, you can have a quote sent to you first (click on the "Request Quote" tab in the middle of the page).
After ordering, you will receive the license code for the pro­gram by e-mail within 24 hours.

Importing tables (data import)

We would like to save you the effort of entering your data manually and have there­fore equipped the Key Orga­nizer with import func­tions.

Since the tabular struc­ture of your own exis­ting Excel tables or the formats of other files can be very differ­ent, we offer you free of charge to check your exis­ting files for importa­bility - even before you pur­chase the soft­ware - in order to be able to give you assis­tance for import­ing.

You can send us existing files (locking plans, lists, tables) infor­mally by e-mail (Contact). We will then check, free of charge and without obliga­tion, whether and how the data can be imported into Key Orga­nizer and, if neces­sary, give you tips on useful additions and links.

If you want to try importing tables your­self, first switch to the "Sandbox" mode in Key Orga­nizer (see main menu: File > Sand­box) and then look for a suit­able func­tion in the Import menu (see main menu: File > Import).

Customize printouts

For key handover protocols, Word files can be used as templates if you have Micro­soft Word installed (for all print­ing users of the Key Orga­nizer). Alterna­tively, templates can be designed in simple HTML, but this requires appro­priate knowl­edge.

You can find the settings for the template files via the main menu: Edit > Edit print tem­plates. We offer our cus­tomers the option of adapt­ing their own forms for use in the Key Orga­nizer - usually free of charge, as long as the effort involved is not unusually high.